Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Shutterfly is a great site for making personalized Christmas cards. I made one last year, but decided to spend a bit more time on it this year. Anyway, if you’ve happened by the blog, this card is for you!


Adrian Johnson said...

Dude, I don't have to tell you how adorable and cute this is, sir!

Very nice!

Methinks I may have to check out out Shutterfly for my own X-Mas card...

Braxton Harrison said...

Man, you need to do it. I've noticed a dry spell at your blog! What gives!? Also, I just downloaded the Chaykin interview. Looking forward to diving in!

Adrian Johnson said...


Thanks for constantly checking on my blog. The dry spell has been for more than a couple of reasons that have now been rectified.

Also, there was a bit of soul-searching over the last month about where to go with my art. It's a decision that I truly feel is the right one. So my next post on the blog is coming soon and all will be revealed then.



All artwork copyrighted 2013 Braxton Harrison. Please do not use images or content without permission from the artist.